Saturday, February 20, 2010

Marinate Deer Roast Do You Like To Try New Things?

Do you like to try new things? - marinate deer roast

I am not a game ... Rabbits and squirrels and are a little hard for me. My husband is a hunter, eating a lot of wild meat. But the idea of steaks and chops just me gagged. I will do everything and anything with the roast and ground game. Well, we stand behind our deer meat locker man was fired decided last Wednesday, and he wanted a big fat steak on the grill. I set off on his idea. So I decided to go ahead and make marinade and let stand in refrigerator, turning the whole day and then cooked on the grill last night. In addition to being a little difficult (need to marinate for 24 hours) were friggin awesome! They had a little piece of home in general. I'm glad I tried it and like to have more children than they no regular steaks.

So, try new things, but not really?


KK88 Your Face said...

I do not understand how the fillet of venison would be unpleasant, but not cow? They make no sense to a woman to me.
And yes, I'll try almost all foods as long as their non-reproductive organs.

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